Monday, April 26, 2010

It ticks on TOEIC 700?;ディクテの添削結果

<Hymnes au beau ange,johnny weir>



   → Dictation; Weir, Press Conference 24th, February

そうそう、効くと言えば、今回出現の、work= tick というコローキアル(colloquial )ワード、全く知りませんでした。
辞書に出てこないので、ここのページタイトルのように”tick on ~” と使っていいか不明ですが、出来るだけ使ってみようかと。。




Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dictation#1; Weir, Press Conference 24th, February

<Hymnes au beau ange,johnny weir> ~ REVISE, 24Avl
 Thanks to a Anonymous reader's help, I could successfully correct some mistakes in my dictation.  I am very luckey ! Thank you Anonymous! See the pink markers below. Those are corrections. ...And yet ⑤translation in Japanese is not sure if it's correct or not. 
 ①it was themと聞こえてこなくても(実際聞こえない)、文法を考えれば予測できないと。
②feel likeのあとは名詞、と決め込んではいけない、この場合のlikeはそれとは違って「ような」どまりだから。

Challenge Dictation #1

  Let me picked up the Johnny Weir Press Conference Clip in 24th February just after the Vancouver game.
Normally, people tend to speak slowly and politely correctly at the official interview including a sort of press conference so that we can catch up their words easily than that in the casual conversation.

But for this time, Johnny appears to find dificulty to speak about this issue, being a little upset and nervous to put out inspite of his outspokenness.
But, at the same time, it was exciting to see him put the fake fur on his shoulder. May be he intensionaly did it to show his defiant stance to a certain Animal protecting group.←(
Refer to my previous blog ”ジョニーを占う/記者会見のこと”)
He always have his tactics. 
I love to find his defiant attitude towards authority as well as his such thoughtful tactics.

Someone, help me!
I hope there should be someone to correct my mistakes in my dictation sentenses. 
Write in here "comment" section . Only Just few words would be also appreciated.


I'm not somebody to cry over something or to feel week about something.
I felt(thought?)  very defiant when I saw this comments.
   ※例)think positive(米口語的に)→挑戦的に考える(目的語入らず)→一言言ってやろうと思った。
I felt that it was'nt these two men critisizing my skating, it was'nt then them critisizing my anything with that ; it was them critisizing me as a person.  And that was something that really frankly pissed me off.

So, more than anything, I just felt like a hots(hats?)  I had(to?) make a comment and statement saying that I hope more kids can grow up the same way I did and more kids can feel the freedom that i feel  to be themselves to express themselves, and that's the most important thing. That's the message I wanted to come out all about this.

Because I'm ugly.  I think the most important thing to do in life is to make something beautiful.
 I can't say anything (about?) me and I mean
I 'm totally for freedom of speech and voicing  on opinions so I can't like have them fired becuase they voice their opinion and just effect the fact that they are on their TV.
And I heard worse in the bathrooms and what not about me and so it's not a big issue for me that they said it.
It's just that... Idid'nt want other kids to have that same issue and other people in the public I'd have same issue.
If I had a chance to sit down them over put in, I think, we would all be like a lovely people together.
I think they would see who really I am because being a athlete, being figure a skater I rarely have an oppotunity to voice my opinion without being misquoted.
 I 'd (am?) always thought as sparkly flamvoyant character that wore a crown of roses.
I means that's  what the people see of me and they come up with a notion what I am must be like.
And ,you know, asdide of my circle of very close my friends and people, no body knows me. No body knows what makes me ( kick?  heck? tech? ) tick.No body knows what's inside here and here.
I think musculernity is what you believe to be. To me, musculernity, it's all my perception and I think musculernity and femininity is something that's old fashioned. There's whole generation of people that are'nt defined by their sex or race or who they like to sleep with.
I think as a person what your  values are what you believe in. I think that's the  most important  thing.


One good solution for Johnny Weir

<Hymnes au beau ange,johnny weir>
These one month, specifically after Vancouver, I have not been able to find any exciting news on Johnny Weir like making me leap and getting me into it.
What do you say, Johnny?
He was now released from any pressure at Vancouver and enjoy skating his new programme of  'Bad Romance'  featuring Lady GAGA or so.
I know...I know...that's for sure.

But to me, still unique and tremendous excitement like Vancouver is definately needed ! If I cannot get it, I will not be able to write "Hymnes" for him any more and what is worse, I may lose any motivation for my routine life... I may get sick.

To resolve my very privtate mental problem, I gonna try working on listening to and dictation of  Johnny's clips on Youtube or NikoNiko Doga stream.

I must discreetly confess that my current TOEIC score must be 700 or so, fallen drastically down from over 800 marked few years ago.
To tell the truth, I've lost a motivation for learning English for these years and I have been away from English circumstances that's why the score went down, frankly I guess.  I know TOEIC Score marked 700 or so implies "luke warm score","need improvement", "not practical" and "be as good as nothing" for the international office work.

However once I got to know about Johnny, listening Johnny's words began to be exciting to me and I thought,  if ... if someone should help me by letting me know the correct answer <responding to my poor dictation;←added afterward>, it would be so great!!" and mentalily I'll be OK, and then, before anything, with other's help, my English will be improved and I might speak "beautifully and smartly" like Johnny,  that's why I gonna do dictating work.

Don't be hesitated, don't turn your eyes away from that fact  and go on challenging  (I say to myself)studying English!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gateaux au 'Johnny's Pink Tassel'

<Hymnes au beau ange,johnny weir>
以前からのJohnny's Angelたちにとっては、もしかするとバンクーバーの演技はヒヤヒヤ物だったかもしれませんね。



つまり私、Ethieは洗脳されたようです・・・(^^;)ノ白旗。そのとき、テレパシーが送られてきたように感じてしまいました。まったく一目ぼれというのは厄介で、テレパシーが<自分に>送られてきたかのような「錯覚」があります。ベクトルが同じとかアンテナが合う、波長が合うとかいう感覚は非常に恐ろしいことで、そうなると、もう知れば知るほど今度はみずから彼の波長に合わしてしまう。気づいた時には、「もうおまえは既にツボにはまっている」→「おまえは既に死んでいる (北斗の拳より)」に近いことになっています。



そう、この季節、桜もち<Gateau Pink aux Fleurs de Cerisier >が美味しいのですよね。
ジョニーこだわりのピンク・タッセル(Pink Tassel)がついたステキでデリシューな桜もちを、ご紹介したいと思いました!

どうです!このホット・ピンクのさくらは!ジョニーのコスチューム”Pink Tassel”に認定して頂けますよね?!





Thursday, April 1, 2010

Black&Hot pink;阪急イングス

<Hymes au beau ange,johnny weir>
Black&HotPink!Featuring JWeir," I love you, I hate you"~

 Lecoque, Puma, FredPerry,セルジオタッキーニ, Prince,

figure skateの冬も終わろうとしていますが、



                            ~”I love you, I hate you...” ♪