PREFACE: Challenge Dictation #2; JWeir, Wendy William's Show, 28th Apl
Before everything, I have to say that I have now just known Youtube's availabiliy of "Voice Conversion" function. I was really shocked by that kind of existance.
So, it may says, I had been such a "idiot" to dedicate myself to take Johnny's word down to the dictation seriously on Dictation#1. It wasted my time and labor! I feel like miserable.
Since having set up my Blog, this is a second time to get me realized that I am lacking essencial IT technique. And as for the first time, what I regretted was I had been all ignorant about how NikoNiko Doga clip is effective & informative. ←Refer to my previous post
Such a helpful conversional function, although, seems not work enough and sometimes generates "bizarre" captions on Youtube depending on the rapidity of people's talk. So it feels like there's a room to make it better, that's why I gonna challenge again the dictation as "Dictaion#2".
These days, NicoNico Doga has also released the same clip with temporary translation written on. Thanks to their work, I could get some hints and corrections; <red big letters> in my dictation(another item of my post ) stands for the corrections learned through NikoNiko.
Niko Niko is cool but if they publish english caption, not Japanese traslation, I think it gonna be much cooler!
Moreover, I have learned some colloquial words /slungs at Johnny related Forum in 2 channnel (ni channel sametime chat system). I love chatting peoples at that forum. They know the way to be as cool. The are very fans of iki(粋).
Anyway, I hope my dictation should not be regarded as 'insignificant' work because it's a kind of "my challenge" to take a risk of exposing my poor listening ability to the public!
But you may ask me,"Why you take dictation so seriously?"
I'll say, I would like to know what Johnny says...
But wait! No, it's not true. I expect another& more.
I want to make the most of being one of fans of Johnny Weir!
I need a kind of 'booty' as a rewards in consideration of being a Johnny's fan.I wanna be a fluent & cool English speaker, like Johnny.
But, that desire will come true someday ?
ところで、you tubeのVoice Conversionとは、何でしょうか?教えてちゃんですみません。私も、コンピューター(というか、機械全般)は、滅法弱いです。
追)black sheepの会員になっているのですが、メールとか受け取れません。。。何か足りないでしょうか?
さて、youtubeのVoice Conversionについてです;
私が2回そちらに送信した(送信してるはず、welcomeメールとして)メールに返信してもらうことで、「follower」→「Your Freiend」に格上げされるので、お知らせが行くようになったというBlackSheep会員がいます。